Ladder competition

Since 2022, a ladder competition has been running all year round. This is an easy way to get to know other members with a similar level of play.

Once every 2 weeks there is a ladder competition round. In the ladder competition app you can configure your availability and whether you want to play 1 or more times in a round.

Before a match you make a normal appointment of an hour in the pingpongbaas app.
The winner enters the result of the match in the ladder competition app. This is a best-of-5 match. On average, such a match lasts about 20 minutes. You can agree beforehand to play a best-of-7 or best-of-9 match and then round the result: enter 5-3 as 3-2 eg.

You can find an explanation about the ladder competition and the possibility to register on this website.

During registration you will be asked for your playing strength. You can use the following guideline for this:

  • 1st class and above: top
  • 2nd class: good
  • 3rd class: above average
  • 4th class: average
  • 5th class: intermediate
  • recreational: you will have to make your own assessment. Usually between beginner and average.